Dog Grooming Terms and Conditions
All clients are required to complete and sign the Declaration form before the start of the service. All your data is confidential and will not be shared with any third party.
Please inform us of any changes in your pet’s health or temperament or your personal details to allow us to continue to provide a service tailored to your pet’s needs.
Whilst your pet is in our care its health and welfare is our primary concern. The groom will only ever be carried out according to your pet’s tolerance of the process. If your pet is fearful of any of the procedures carried out during
the process, a work around or alternative will be employed. Sometimes during grooming a pre-existing condition may be discovered which you may not be aware of. We will notify you of this so that you can seek veterinary advice. Although extremely unlikely, accidents can happen during grooming. In the event of an accident or serious medical issue arising during your pet’s groom you authorise us to seek emergency veterinary treatment.
Upon your return you will be given detailed feedback after every groom. If you have any queries or need further clarification, please just ask or contact us at a later stage. If you are in any way dissatisfied with any aspect of your pet’s groom please let us know before you leave. Reasonable requests to alter the trim will be dealt with
immediately or changes noted for the next groom. We are more than happy to disclose any details of your pet’s groom or advise you how best to care for your pet’s coat in-between grooms.
Starting prices are for pets:
• That are used to being professionally groomed on a regular schedule (a minimum of once per season, 4 times per year depending on the breed)
• Whose coats are well maintained between professional grooms (kept tangle, knot and matt free by regular brushing or combing)
You can reasonably expect to pay more than the starting price for:
• Matted, poorly maintained &/or overgrown coats
• Pet’s which are difficult to manage or uncooperative during grooming
• Overweight pets or oversized for the breed standard
• Timid, anxious or nervous pets, which require frequent breaks & may need special handling.
These cost more time, labour &/or product. The costs are passed on to you.
If we are unable to complete a groom due to behavioural problems or aggression you will be
charged the starting price of the groom. All grooms are to be paid in advance (you will be
charged the start price and if any further charges are added, this will be required upon
collection of your pet)
If your pet will not tolerate the presence of other dogs in the salon, we
can offer a solo appointment for extra costs. Please ask a staff member for details.
Your pet may be photographed before, during and after its groom.
Photographs may be used on our website, printed materials and social media, Please let us
know if you’d prefer your pet not to be photographed.
Please be punctual. We work by appointment only: the appointment slot
allocated for your pet’s groom has been booked at your request exclusively. We do not
double book appointments; a no-show is lost income.
We offer a free text appointment reminder service which you will receive at least 48 Hours prior to your appointment.
Most grooms take between 1-3 hours or more depending on the size and temperament of the dog, and its coat condition. You will be advised what time to collect your pet. It is advisable not to enter the salon before this time, as your presence may distract your pet during the finishing stage of its groom. It is essential you collect your pet at the agreed time as once the groom is finished your dog will be eager to go home and may become unsettled
or anxious and cause a distraction to the other dogs being groomed.
Late collections will incur an extra charge of £5 every 15 minutes or part of.
Please phone us if you are running late. I understand from time to time unforeseen
circumstances may arise.
HOWEVER…. Clients arriving more than 15 minutes late for their appointment will be considered a missed appointment and will have to re-book, this will incur a charge of the groom. If you need an earlier drop off/later collection time due to other commitments, please discuss this with us when booking. If your pet is collected after closing time a late pick up and/or sitting fee of £5 per 15 minutes or part of applies. If you incur any of the
above mentioned fees, they are payable in full at the time you collect your pet.
I respectfully request 48 hours notice if you need to cancel your pet’s appointment. The slot can then be resold.
NO-SHOWS & LATE CANCELLATIONS (of less than 48hrs notice). A fee of 50% of the groom will be levied for appointments cancelled between 48 and 24hrs before and the full amount if cancelled less than 24 hours before. Please note we are closed Sunday and Monday. We ask can you please make sure you speak to a staff member to cancel or re-arrange by calling our salon.
A non-refundable deposit of the starting groom price will be levied to secure a new appointment slot. If you incur any of the above mentioned fees, they are payable in full before booking your pet’s next appointment.
In the event that your pet’s coat needs to be clipped down to release it from matting or coat neglect, Paws Galore & Co. its owner and staff are not liable for any post-grooming effects of this procedure, which is not without risk.
Any humane de-matting will be undertaken solely at the groomers discretion, in compliance with The Animal Welfare Act 2006 (clause 5 – Animals are to be protected from pain, injury and suffering). De-matting during a routine groom is limited to a maximum of 15 minutes and is only possibly if the matting is minimal. For severely matted coats where de-matting isn’t possible, the only humane way to deal with this will be to completely shave off the coat.
You will be given an estimate of how long matt release is likely to take & an estimated cost for the procedure. A shave down consumes significantly more time, labour, product & tool/equipment wear and tear than a routine trim, therefore will incur an extra charge. All shave down costs are payable in full in advance.
We reserve the right to refuse to groom any pet at risk of harming and staff members of itself. If your dog is
accepted for grooming and displays aggression that we have not been informed of during its session, the groom will be terminated immediately. You will be contacted to collect your dog. The full starting price of the groom will be levied. You must inform us prior to grooming if your dog has ever bitten or displayed aggression.
Failure to disclose this information may result in refusal of future services. Your attention is drawn to The Dangerous Dogs Act, which holds owners liable for bites
and injuries caused by their dogs